The Fourth Wing-Well Worth The Read


The Fourth Wing-Well Worth The Read

{5 Stars| Ages 16+| NA| Duology}

“A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. 

A rider without their dragon is dead.”

    Wow, this book was such a wild ride! Going into this I was a bit nervous because it was my first 'New Adult' (NA) book, and I knew that meant it would have significantly more language and sexual content. So, after reading multiple reviews to prep myself (while trying to avoid spoilers at all costs) I plunged into this book..well... audiobook I guess I should say, haha. 

From the first line (see the quote above) I was hooked. I would 100% recommend the audiobook because it was AMAZING! Rebecca Yarros, whoever the chick is that reads your audiobooks for you, GIVE THE WOMAN A RAISE BECAUSE SHE IS AMAZING! She did such a good job making everything seem so real, and her voice was just amazing. 

The world RY built through this book was mesmerizing and I loved that it was a bit hard to figure out what would come next. Now, that doesn't mean I had a hard time guessing the plot twists because it was almost too easy for that 😭 I'm soooorrrryyyy! I've just grown up noticing details and it makes it hard for me to be surprised 😭😭  Despite that, the twists still tore my heart out. I was driving when a death happened (Can't say who because it's a spoiler-free review) and I just started bawling in my car. I had to make myself presentable before I told my friend to come out to the car. 

A lot of people have described this as 'Divergent with dragons' and that is accurate! It really is Divergent with dragons, and a whole crap ton of f-bombs. Haha, now that I think about it, I can really see the similarities! Dauntless= Dragon riders, Erudite= Scribes! (I can't remember what the other groups are right now, they were maybe mentioned twice.) 

“But I will not run. I wouldn't be standing here if I'd quit every time something seemed impossible to overcome. I will not die today.”

With fewer dragons willing to bond this year, the stakes are higher and the risks greater. Some will stop at nothing to get to a dragon, including killing a fellow cadet.

Violet Sorrengail wanted nothing more than to live the rest of her life as a scribe, but her mother, the Commanding General, had other plans for her. Forced into the Riders quadrant, Violet must learn how to survive and overcome her disease that makes her bones weak and turns her hair silver. As if that wasn't enough, she has to for her life on the mat, and watch over her shoulder because Xaden Riorson is out for murder- her murder to be exact. 

If everything with surviving the Rider quadrant isn't hard enough, the war with the griffon riders increases in difficulty and the casualties rise. The closer everyone looks, the more everything about the whole war seems off. And when she stumbles across a carefully hidden secret, nothing will ever be the same. And that secret will stop at nothing to destroy Violet and everyone she cares about.

“No one stays friends forever, Mira. Eventually, those closest to us become our enemies in some way, even if it’s through well-intentioned love or apathy, or if we live long enough to become their villains.”

Just in case you were wondering, 'What is the difference between YA and NA?' the difference is:

1) The Age Range 

2) The Content 

NA tends to have more sexual content (and with that, more explicit) sexual content than YA does. While YA more often than not fades to black, it is incredibly rare for a NA book to do that. 

Book Content:

Parents or teens, if you want to proof what you're reading, then this section is for you! Each heading gives a heads up to what may be in the book, be it language or violence, this portion will give you the heads up you're looking for! 


*These words are used CONSISTENTLY throughout the book! It is not an occasional thing.*

~F Word

~A Word

~S word




~Other derogatory terms


Murder, stabbing, strangling, poisoning, punching, kicking, attempted murder, death by fire, clawing to death, breaking people's necks, mentions of torture, mentions of abuse, mentions of branding, and War Front violence.

Sexual Content:

Several mentions of sex, open-door sex (Chapters 30 and 32. It's not till the end of the chapter, easily skipped. Nothing important is mentioned in the rest of those chapters.) passionate kissing, intimate touching, several innuendos, mentions of sleeping around, one side character sleeps with boys and girls, F/F side character relationship, and main couple is F/M relationship. 

Other Things To Note: 

~Death of a parent is mentioned

~Parents being murdered is mentioned

~MC has an autoimmune disease that causes others to look down on her 

~Children have to pay for their parents war crimes

~Discrimination towards children of traitors 

~Characters go to the war front and have to fight 

~Women and Children are trapped in a village that is being burned 

~Women and Children are murdered while the men are off fighting elsewhere 

“You look all frail and breakable, but you're really a violent little thing, aren't you?”

Why Should I (or should I not) Read The Fourth Wing?

Why You Should: 

It's an amazing story! The plot flows super well! It does start to drag just a tad 🤏🏻 in the middle, but its still super engaging! It keeps you super involved and the world-building is STUNNING. And, I mean common, it's got dragons in it. Over all it's such a fun read and I will be reading it again! 

Why You Maybe Shouldn't: 

I don't know how old you are, or who you are, or your stand on certain things clearly. So that is why I have to include this section. It is a NA book, and I know this site is called 'YA Book Nook' but I will review popular books that might be labeled as YA. Some people may have called this YA, but, trust me, it's NA. 

Leaving that tangent behind, the other reason is you might not be old enough. This is definitely for mature audiences! Now you may be thinking 'But I've read things like that or I don't care I'm gonna read something like that at some point' but push those thoughts aside. Wait until you're older, because it's not worth it when you're younger! (This is my opinion at least!) Let your mind stay innocent for just a little longer because, trust me, when you're older, you'll wish you had. 

“Tell him if he harms you, I'll scorch the ground where he stands.”

Where Can I Buy It?


Barnes and Noble 

Song and Book Recommendations if you enjoyed The Fourth Wing:


~Shivers- Ed Sheeran 

~Not Like I'm In Love With You- Lauren Weintraub

~Love Me Anyway- P!nk

~Love Me Like You Do- Ellie Goulding

~Fight Song- Rachel Platten


Divine Rivals

~A Curse So Dark and Lonely 


~An Ember In The Ashes

~Maddie J

“Dragons always know.”


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