Heartless By: Marissa Meyer


[5 Stars| Ages 12+| YA| Stand alone]

“One to be a murderer. One to be a Martyr. One to be a Monarch. One to go Mad.

Murderer. Martyred. Monarch. Mad.”

Marissa Meyer was one of the authors that got me into YA. I loved The Lunar Chronicles so much and when I heard she had an Alice In Wonderland retelling, I was so excited! One of my great friends recommended it to me and so I put it on hold and waited anxiously for it to come in. After weeks (or it was days, I really don't remember πŸ˜‚) of waiting, it arrived! And my impatient waiting was worth it, this was amazing. 

Even though I've read this 3 times now, I still can remember how it felt the first time I read it. The world consumed me and I fell head over heels into Wonderland, and I did not want to leave. MM did an amazing job describing Wonderland and all of the elements that make it so wonderful πŸ˜‚ (I couldn't resist myself). I was amazed and I fell in love with Cath and Jest and their dreams. I was on cloud nine...and then I read the end of the book. πŸ˜­ I'd forgotten that it was the Queen of Heart's backstory, so I wasn't thinking straight when what happened, happened. 

It was a gut-wrenching ending, the kind that makes you want to cry whenever you think back on it. It is an ending that makes you have tear drops stain your books, and those tear marks never fade because you cry each and every time you read it. I've read it 3 times and I still cry each time! 

“She rounded on him, teeth flashing. 'I am not empty. I am full to the brim with murder and revenge. I am overflowing and I do not think you wish for me to overflow onto you.'

'There was a time' – Cheshire yawned – 'when you overflowed with whimsy and icing sugar. I liked that better.'”

Lady Cathrine Pinkerton has one goal: to open a bakery with her best friend (and maid) Mary Ann. 

But fate, as it often does, has other plans for her. And one dark evening involving a Joker, corset laces, and a fainting spell everything changes. She still wants to open her bakery, but she dreams of having the Court Joker, Jest, by her side. The only problem is that Jest works for the king, who wants to marry Cathrine. Jest cannot betray the king who took him in, and Cathrine cannot defy her parents who want her to marry the king more than anything. Despite their meager efforts, Cath and Jest cannot deny the attraction growing between them and the invisible strings that seem to be pulling them closer and closer together. 

As they fall deeper into a web of feelings, another web reveals itself. One of lies and decite. Caught between her heart and what is right, Cath struggles to choose which path to follow. But what Cath doesn't know is that the clock is ticking, and the longer she takes the choose, the more time the evil in Wonderland has to fester and grow. And when it breaks free, the reprecussions are unforgettible, and unforgivable. 

“'When pleased, I beat like a drum. When sad, I break like glass. Once stolen, I can never be taken back. What am I?'

'A heart.'”

A quick little tid bit, the age raiting is my opinion. It is not a have to follow thing, it's just what I use to help recommend books to certain age groups. 

Why this book is rated Ages 12+ is because it isn't an innapropriate book. I think this is one of hte best books to read for a transition between Juvenille and YA age groups! It has some juvenille elements 

Book Content: 

Parents or teens, if you want to proof what you're reading, then this section is for you! Each heading gives a heads up to what may be in the book, be it language or violence, this portion will let you know what's in the book, all while trying to keep it as spoiler free as possible! 


~D Word

~H Word 


Stabbing, fighting with swords, murder, death,  *briefe* stabbing in the heart, and * also briefe* decapitation.

Sexual Content: 

Corset strings are removed while woman is unconcense, thinking about kissing, briefe thoughts about sex, and kissing. 

Other Things To Note: 

~Mentions of soilders being killed by a creature

~Slight domestic abuse

~Emotionally Abusive Parents

~Being forced to date a man you don't love and who is older than you

~Madness and dementia run in a character's family 

~Characters lose their minds 

“You have my heart, Jest. I don't know if you deserve it or not. I can't tell if you're a hero or a villain, but it doesn't seem to matter. Either way, my heart is yours.”

Why Should I read Heartless?

Heartless is a fantastic coming-of-age novel and, as stated earlier, is a fantastic transition book! And, it's just a clean and enjoyable read. It let's younger girls (or boy if they want to read it) make that transition to YA without exposing them to the more mature side of YA. 

Another reason is because it was really just an enjoyable book! The world-building is fantastic and the way Meyer explores Wonderland and the backstory to the Queen of Hearts is so unique and beautiful. 

Where Can I Buy It? 


~Barnes and Nobel 

Song and Book recommendations if you enjoyed Heartless:


~The Joker and The Queen -Taylor Swift (ft. Ed Sheeren)

~Wildest Dreams-Taylor Swift 

~I Can't Help Falling In Love With You-Haley Reinhart

~Really Don't Care- Demi Lovato 

~She's So Gone-Naomi Scott

~Die From A Broken Heart-Maddie & Tae


~Caraval-Stephanie Garber (YA/Trilogy)

~Dance of Thieves- Mary E. Pearson (YA/Duology)

~The Lunar Chronicles-Marissa Meyer (YA/5 Books)

~Maddie J

“Off with his head”


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